Travel Country Rocks!

Ok, so in my haste to leave Travel Country and make the drive back home I made a big mistake. I'd joked with Brian that I wanted to make sure I didn't give anyone a free GPS by leaving mine in one of the packs. I had taken my own gear as I plan to carry in September to make sure it all fit properly. Well, while I was sure to grab my GPS and everything else, I missed the brand new Brunton 15TDCL compass that my mom bought me for my birthday. It was left behind in the right hip belt pocket on the Z55.

I had this nagging feeling about halfway home that I'd left something behind but it was raining hard and I just kept going. When I unloaded my gear at home I realized the compass wasn't there.

I called Monday morning and they were very helpful and found it right away. I gave them my address and asked if they could mail it to me since it's a 250-mi roundtrip for me. I told them to send it COD so they wouldn't have to pay shipping. When I got home Tuesday I was disappointed that not only was there no package in the mailbox but there wasn't a notice from the PO either that I had one to pick up.

I walked into the house and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a bright, shiny box that held my missing gear. The UPSd the compass to me at their expense! Talk about great customer service! I'm hooked. Travel Country has a loyal customer now!

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