WS Update

Well, I had intermittent internet problems over the weekend so I wasn't able to provide an update. Here goes nothing.

Saturday night the low was to be about 53. I quickly discovered that the WeatherShield alone wasn't enough to make the colder temps manageable. I ended up slipping my eggshell camping pad from Wal-Mart between the WS and hammock to create an additional layer of insulation. I did run into a small issue since the pad is 25" and didn't wrap 100% correctly in the WS. Regardless, I felt quite warm and slept well. I only had a few times that the wind was enough that it breached the setup and I got a chill on my back. These were short-lived, though, and I fell right back to sleep.

Sunday night I decided to try again. This time I replaced the eggshell pad with my Coleman self-inflating pad. Frankly this pad sucks. It hardly inflates at all especially when compared to how thick my Alps Mountaineering pad gets. However, it's smaller and weighs less than the Alps. Unfortunately, it's too heavy for the WS and causes it to sag rendering it useless. I ditched the Coleman and replaced it with a new 20" flat foam pad. The problem here is that it must've been rolled up for so long I couldn't get it to lay straight. It worked ok I guess but the temps were more in the high 50s/low 60s so it wasn't a good comparison.

Right now I think I may just go back to the eggshell. I don't really want to cut it down but I guess for $8 or $10 I can always buy another one. I'm going to try to flatten out the 20" pad to see if I can get it to work. Not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight. I might have to sleep inside if it's not cold enough. :-)

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