WeatherShield Testing

Tonight I'm back in the hammock for the first time since the Ocala hike. Since I froze more than I'd expected to I decided I needed to improve my insulation situation. I now have a JRB Weathershield 2. It's not any underquilt but I'm hoping it'll suffice until I can make one.

The low tonight is supposed to be 53. That's the same as what we faced in Ocala. In addition to the WS I've added pants to the mix and I'll be wearing my socks.

Already I can feel some coolness on my backside. The WS is supposed to give about 10 degrees of additional warmth. I'm hoping it's just me and I'll be as warm as I need to be. I may end up having to throw some additional insulation in between the hammock and the WS but that's just more to carry.

So that's the story now. I'll give any update tomorrow.
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