Hike Preps

Well, it's been a quiet lull for some time. I've been busy this summer with other things and haven't stepped foot on the trail since Feb. It's killing me. Fortunately, though, there's light at the end of the tunnel.

We're getting back into the planning stage for our next hike. The section I mentioned in March is going to happen. We'll be starting at Hogpen Gap and ending at Dicks Creek Gap. I just checked the trail guides and it looks like a weekend of strenuous, strenuous, and very strenuous. Should be fun. :-)

I think I'm going to try to head to Orlando and Travel Country this weekend. I desperately need to get a new pack that fits my torso. I don't want to kill my shoulders like I did the last trip. I'm also going to go back through my inventory to see what I haven't been using. I want to get the weight down as low as possible and hope to keep the "extras" to a minimum. I might even leave the camp chair at home. :-O

Well, that's it for now. I'll post more as the details get worked out.

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1 Response to Hike Preps

  1. Unknown says:

    Leave the camp chair?!?!?!