Juniper Prairie Day 2

Wow. Last night was cold. No, that would be an understatement. I knew it would be cooler than normal but it had to be lower than the 60 that was forecast. The fog and dampness made it worse. I had tried to clip my stock tarp as an under-cover for the hammock but it didn't work. The cold, damp air crept through the bugnet and I often had chills despite the blanket. Oh well, I survived.



Today's hike was hot. We broke camp about 10am and struck out headed north. The trail was mostly open and unprotected from the scorching heat. We made our way through the burned out remains of a large pine forest. Aside from the palmettos it seems that very little lives out there. I can only imagine how long it will take to recover from the fires.



We finally reached an oak and pine stand and enjoyed the relief the shade provided. We left the stand for more open but not burned terrain. The next stand was just ahead...uphill...with more sand.


The hill was conquered and we took a break at FR10. After a quick snack and letting our feet dry out we hit the trail again. It only took about 45 min to hike the last bit to Hopkins Prairie where we were picked up and returned to Juniper.


At Juniper Springs everyone dumped gear and relaxed in or around the cool natural spring. It sure felt good even though I only dipped my feet. My blister had reached epic proportions so I'd lanced and dressed it.



I'm sitting at a tent site now. We finished a day earlier than expected. I was wiped out and ready for bed. I really wasn't going to write tonight. However, on my way back from the bathroom a couple of woman stopped me. They used their flashlight to show me our neighbor. Watching a black bear near your site standing no more than 30' from a large, wild animal seems to have given me a little more energy. I would say he was over 6' based on the few times he stood up. Note to self: don't blind the bear with your headlamp. I guess he got tired of everyone blinding him so he lumbered off. And I climbed into my hammock and turned on the MP3 player. If I can't hear him he's not there right?

Hint: He's standing behind the tree. My trusty Marine comrade wouldn't get closer with his flashlight. :-(

This ends most of the adventure for this trip. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings.

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